Life at Penn Croft Farm

Visitors to the Farm
At this time we are no longer conducting tours of the alpaca; however, if you would like to stop and visit them from outside their fencing, you are always welcome. Please park behind the barn and visit from outside the fencing in the front or the back of the barns. Our farm lane, located on the far side of tree line, will take you out to Leaman Lane and an easy exit from our farm.

Evenings in the Pasture
Some of our best moments with alpacas have been at sunset in our pasture. In the summer the alpacas are thrilled the day has cooled so they come out of the barn and enjoy eating the grass in the pasture. That is a time to watch the crias play and sometimes at dusk, all of the alpacas get excited and start to pronk which means they jump and skip through the field.

We like to sit in the field and they always move towards us as they eat. The little ones usually nose us out of curiosity. It is a peaceful time on the farm.

A visit from The New Era
Early one morning when I was getting our daughter ready for school, there was a knock on the door. I answered it and Richard Hertzler, a photographer from the Lancaster New Era (Lancaster’s daily newspaper) who had heard about our alpacas. He said that someone who lives near us told him about seeing our alpacas in the morning light each morning so he came to see it himself.
He spent almost an hour taking pictures. I asked if he would let us know if a picture would appear in the paper and he said to check that evening paper. I went to the New Danville Turkey Hill to buy a paper planning to take it to the car to page through and look for a photo. To my surprise our gelding Rusty was featured on the front page in a colored photo.